Afghani Women

Bericht verspreid via mailinglist Feminisme, 18 oktober 2001

Many of you already get information on Afghani women from RAWA.  But there are also other women's organizations in the refugee camps and in exile.

Here is a link to the NEGAR website, the organization of Afghani women based in Paris that put together mariella
the "Declaration of Essential Rights of Afghan Women." This declaration was drafted in June, 2000, at a meeting of 300 Afghani women in Tajikistan - some from inside Afghanistan, some from refugee camps, some living in Europe or the US.

Their contact info is
Tél./Fax : 33 1 48 35 07 56 / 33 3 81 59 04 39 ;
e-mail :
The contact person is an Afghani-American, Nasrine Gross.

They held a demonstration in Paris Sept. 29  photos are on their site.